Show your support of a united community and wear your LIVE UNITED T-shirt Nov. 14

Governor Jack Dalrymple has proclaimed Friday, Nov. 14, 2014, LIVE UNITED Day, in recognition of United Way volunteers and donors across the state of North Dakota. The generosity and support of these individuals provides the resources needed to create solutions to issues affecting our friends, family and neighbors each day.

The Missouri Slope Areawide United Way and Secretary of State Al Jaeger will be hosting a press conference on Friday, Nov. 14 at 9 a.m. in Memorial Hall at the State Capitol. Breakfast will be provided at 8 a.m. by A’viands and everyone is welcome to attend.

The proclamation highlights United Way’s work to fund proven strategies, foster collaboration, reduce duplication of services and measure outcomes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. The state of North Dakota encourages each resident to lend a hand in their community, we can strengthen our neighborhoods, bolster the health of our communities and change the lives of our North Dakota neighbors who walk by us every day.

In 2013, donors invested over $10 million in North Dakota United Ways to support agencies that are addressing root causes of issues that are affecting our communities. Children are succeeding in school, families are becoming self-sufficient, and individuals of all ages have opportunities and live healthy lives.

Locally, the Missouri Slope Areawide United Way raised $2.55 million through private donations and grants in 2013 and is providing funding to 31 agencies. This year, the campaign goal is $2.5 million. The 2014 Campaign Chairs, Vern Dosch, Monsignor James Shea and Paul Sukut, urge everyone to get involved, at any level, to show our community how much we can accomplish when we LIVE UNITED.

Take to social media. Share pictures of you, your friends and co-workers. Share why you LIVE UNITED and post it on MSA United Way’s Facebook page at and use #WHYILIVEUNITED.

If you would like more information on how you or your business can get involved, visit or call 701.255.3601.