Missouri Slope Areawide United Way is Hosting Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week

Missouri Slope Areawide (MSA) United Way is launching a Campaign for the Homeless! The Center for Opportunity is the only 24/7 facility in our community for the homeless. The center shelters over 100 men, women, and children each night. Additionally, there are 1,700 students being fed over the weekend through United Way’s Backpack Program.  

Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week: 

  • Daily tours Monday-Friday of the Center for Opportunity (Emergency Homeless Shelter) at 12:15 p.m.! 

  • Be an advocate with a “One Child Fed” yard sign. Digital download is available to put on social media! 

  • Pick up at the MSA United Office. 

  • Winter Hat, Scarves, & Gloves Drive.  

  • You can drop items off at the MSA United Way office (515 N 4th St) or Center for Opportunity (1140 S 12th St). 

The Walk a Mile in My Shoes event is at the Center for Opportunity on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 11:30 a.m.! We invite the community and shelter guests to walk a mile around the Center for Opportunity. This is a unique opportunity for community members to connect with our homeless population and understand what they may be going through. At the end of our walk, we invite you to enjoy a free meal, tour the Center for Opportunity, and talk with shelter residents. You can help raise awareness and show support by joining us for Walk a Mile in My Shoes. You can also donate to the Center for Opportunity at https://www.msaunitedway.org/hunger-and-homelessness-week-and-walk-mile-my-shoes. A donation of $27 funds a day and night at the shelter and $5 covers a backpack of food for a child over the weekend.