Little Black Dress Poverty Awareness

SAVE THE 2025 DATE: May 12-15


2025 Information:

Little Black Dress is run by Women United and friends to help raise awareness about poverty in the community. This campaign has more than 200 individuals each wearing a black outfit for four days, along with a goal to raise $500 each and a team goal of $1,500.

The funds raised are used to fund the education initiative of the United Way and are focused on keeping families in their homes, making sure kids can get to school and learn, as well as finding mentors for these students.

Since 2014, United Way's Women United has raised more than half a million dollars through the Little Black Dress Campaign. Funds support United Way's Education Initiative helping women and children to overcome the barriers of poverty so they are successful in school and life. 

Registered teams are encouraged to attend our Kick-off Program and Luncheon at the Bismarck Country Club (Lady J's) Monday, May 12th from 12-1. If attending, please email with the names of your team members attending.

Celebrate the Little Black Dress Campaign at our Women United Social May 15th from 4pm - 7pm at the LUFT Rooftop Bar (510 E Main Ave).

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Bartlett & West

Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Baymont Inn & Suites

Bismarck Boss Babes

Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library

Black Tie Bankers - First International Bank & Trust

BNC Ladies on a Mission

Business as Usual - CHI St. Alexius Health

Capital Credit Union

CC's Physical Therapy

Cottingham Insurance Agency

First Western Bank & Trust

Gate City Bank

Image Makers Salon


Ladies of Bravera

Miller Magicians

MDU Resources Cheers to 100 Years

MSA United Way Staff

Myhre Mustangs

Revive Law Group

Security First Bank


Vogel Law


Wachter Wildcats

Women United 


Why is Little Black Dress such an important campaign in our community?

  • Allows struggling readers in Kindergarten through Third Grade to get intensive, research-based tutoring.
  • Ensures children get a designated mentor that meets with them for an hour each week.
  • Provides a case manager to work with hundreds of children to de-escalate conflict and develop the personal skills necessary to reduce inter-personal conflict in the future.
  • Helps caring case workers spend thousands of hours addressing the barriers to a good education and a stable family caused by poverty, mental illness, unemployment, homelessness, and more.

Low income students working with United Way’s Education Initiative were 20% more likely to be able to read at grade level, 27% more likely to be meeting math benchmarks and 18% more likely to be meeting reading benchmarks than low income students without these services.



What are the problems that Little Black Dress is raising awareness for?

  • One in five people living in Bismarck-Mandan do not have enough money to meet their basic needs. That means they're  <200% of the poverty level.
  • Every student who does not complete high school costs our society an estimated $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes and productivity.
  • Only 35 percent of youth in Bismarck-Mandan feel they have a positive adult role model.




We are truly grateful for our sponsors, as this event couldn't happen without their support.

A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available for this event.

If you are interested in sponsoring or would like to learn more, please email: 

Whether you donate to the Little Black Dress 2024 Campaign or a Personal Campaign to support a local participating team, your donation is truly appreciated. 

The funds raised, during this campaign, are used to fund the education initiative of the United Way and focused on keeping families in their homes, making sure kids are able to get to school and learn, as well as finding mentors for these students.

If you are interested in donating a Silent Auction item for our Little Black Dress 2024 Campaign Celebration, please email:

Teams of 1-6 women will participate in this campaign by:

  1. Wearing the same black outfit for the week to demonstrate what it's like to have a professional job but not have a wardrobe full of professional outfits, and often no access to laundry or event showers - although we do allow you to "cheat" and shower throughout the week.
  2. Creating a team fundraising page on our website.
  3. Advocating for those who often don't have a voice by sharing social media posts and team photos that highlight statistics, needs, and programs.
  4. Attending the Kick-Off Luncheon on Monday, September 16th.
  5. Joining us for our "Imagine A World Without Poverty Event" on the evening of Thursday, September 19th and inviting your friends, family, and coworkers to purchase tickets.
  6. Donating your black dress to Closet 701.

Individual Goal - $500

Team Goal - $1500

Registration open!

Thank you for participating in the Little Black Dress Campaign and raising awareness on poverty issues in our community. Please follow the directions below to create your personal and/or team Little Black Dress Campaign fundraising page.

Step 1. To begin the process - click "Create Your Fundraising Page"  (Please refer back to this page for further instruction on setting up your page.)

Step 2. In the "Title" field, name your page as follows: Your Team or Participant Name's Little Black Dress Campaign

Step 3. In the "Welcome" area you can share a bit about the Little Black Dress Campaign and why you chose to participate.

Sample text - The Little Black Dress Campaign is a poverty awareness event led by United Way's Women United. During the week of the Little Black Dress campaign, we will be wearing one black outfit to illustrate the effects poverty can have on one’s access to resources, confidence, and ability to obtain employment, while raising funds for women and children in our community.

Step 4. Enter your campaign goal. (Team goals are $1,500)

Step 5. Check the "Progress Bar" box if you'd like to include a progress thermometer.

Step 6. In the "Your Message" section tell your supporters who you are, why this matters to you, and why they should support your campaign.

Step 7. Upload a picture (picture can be no larger than 360px X 360px).

Step 8. Check the "Active" box.

Step 9. Upon approval, you will receive an automated email with a link to your page. Share this link with friends, family, and co-workers to gain support for your campaign.

Note: To make changes to your page, contact If you cannot remember your account information for a previous year, please reset your password.

Join our Facebook Event to stay up-to-date with the campaign!

Keep in touch with us on Facebook for updates on the 2024 Little Black Dress Campaign.

A big THANK YOU to our sponsors for supporting United Way and this campaign!